I Have People

Accountability is one of the most important components in our Christian walk.  Without it, we would continue to bump our heads against the wall and never understand how to build a guard rail.  We would spin our wheels hoping for something different even though our behavior hasn’t changed one bit.  Accountability is the check point that is necessary to make sure we have the licenses to go in the direction that we are headed.  Yes!  It is a must.  So then my question is:  Why is it so many of us shy away from accountability?

Here are several points that we should always consider.

1.  We can not do this alone.  We may have all the tools that are necessary to complete our portion of the mission but our lives are so intricately woven until things are never that simple.  We need lots of love, help and assistance for the areas that we have not been graced to endure yet are vital to our success.  Another person’s gifting and calling may very well be a key piece to our walk.  Think about it.  Where would we be without all of our ministers, musicians, bible teachers, etc.

2.  We are human and we will fall short.  There is no one who is perfect, spotless or without blame but our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As much as we try, our best efforts can’t come close to the character of God but what accountability does is that it allows us to be our brother’s keeper and stand in the gap to intercede.

3.  Others are watching our witness and what we say or don’t say may minister more than our words.  Accountability allows us to feel connected and know that we all experience hills and valleys but we all can be victorious in Christ Jesus.  By sharing our faults with one another, as the bible instructs us to do, we are inviting the Holy Spirit to move on our behalf when we touch and agree.

4.  The trap of isolation is dangerous.  When we are in tough situations, the tendency is to withdraw.  The problem is that our perceived level of trouble can then double when we are alone.  Accountability holds us to the fire to make sure we stand firm on the word of God and not waver in our faith.

Let me just say this.  I have a whole team of accountability partners who understand their roles in my life and they are unrelenting and loving to a fault.  Maybe I have a minute or two to vent but then I’m charged with picking my self up or “not dwelling” and getting back to My Father’s business.  Maybe it’s just me but I have plenty days where I am like a little kid looking outside at the playground equipment wanting to go so bad but forgetting the fact that I should be focused on something else.  Distractions come, disappointments come and sometimes I happily skip into a huge landmine.  But someone always loves me enough to say “oh no sister, that just won’t fly.”  God knows I need that and in His omnipotence He’s packaged it as differently as I needed and duplicated it several times.  So truly I can say, every time I turn around God is there.

2 thoughts on “I Have People

  1. Trust is a major factor in why people may shy away from accountability. Then there is shame, or low self-esteem that will cause one to retreat and stay in their own corner. Isolation is very dangerous on the christian journey. Once again thanks for allowing the Holy Spirit use your gift of writing to minister on this topic.

  2. I have some reasons that I’ve come up with about why folk shy away from accountability.
    1. It takes away from the wicked nature that they so many rely on.
    2. Fear of being thought of or perceived as weak.
    3. They simply don’t want to be better or do better.
    4. They don’t know they need to do better and be better.
    5. They don’t understand the bounty of blessing that comes with accountability.
    6. Cause for some reason people think they have the right to and should be walking around with a stanky attitude and messed up nature. (I wanted to use curse words but I decided to respect your site)

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